Sunday, January 28, 2007

Make a Difference!

Make a Difference!

Up the street from my house a new corner drugstore just opened up. Two days
after the BIG grand opening, I ventured in.

My initial thought as I walked through the front doors, were that this wasn’t really
any different from the other drugstore up the street. Not one staff person to be
found. It was a ghost town.

Unfortunately, this was after viewing what was apparently the new store’s
attempt at setting a record for the “most garbage in a garbage can.” Somebody
seriously needed to consider calling Guinness World Book of Records.

From there, I wandered through the store. With an obvious “lost” look on my face,
I found my way down an aisle. At the same time, at the opposite end of the aisle,
a staff person made their way towards me.

The first words spoken to me since entering this NEW store were…”excuse me.”
This was as the employee bent over to grab a two liter of pop he was buying for

For a brief moment, I thought about leaving. But, I was already there and needed
just one thing. Thanks to the overhead signage, and a few extra minutes, I found
what I was looking for and made my way over to the cash register.

I then got in line behind my friend from the pop aisle who was making his prized
purchase. As they finished up their brief discussion, apparently it was now my turn to move
to the head of the line.

And there she was, a young girl with a BIG button on. It read something to the
effect of, “in training to give you good service.”

Bless her heart as she awkwardly stumbled through my transaction. There she
was, all by herself. I tried to “pump” her up by asking about the grand opening.
Unfortunately, it was to no avail.

It was an awkward moment. Here I am the customer, trying to make her day. She
just seemed so uncomfortable. And yet, having to wear that BIG button!

So, what about that BIG button? I couldn’t help but ask myself…where was her
training, and where was my service?

And poor Mr. Soft Drink, I think he was just too thirsty to even realize I was there.
As I drove home, I thought…”What a sad way to start off a new store.”

In Christian retail, everything matters… and it should.

Do we reflect Christ by how are store looks?
Do we give our staff adequate training?
Do we hire out of desperation or take the time to find the right person?

All of these things do make a difference.

Sometimes, we have only one opportunity to impact a customer.

We can impact them for the good, or, we can impact them for the bad.

Consistently exceptional service coupled with an electric atmosphere is crucial.
In Christian retail, we MUST lead the way. For, it is Christ whom we serve.

Together, we can ALL make a difference…

Together, we have an opportunity to impact the heart of each customer…one
customer at a time.

What type of impact will you make?

Please feel free to post your comments. I can be reached at:

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